Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Minka, Part 3
Day 15 - 19
Day 8 - 14
My betta fish - Zara
When I first received her, she had already been in the plastic bag for 2 days. It was a long ride home with her and I was scared she wouldn't survive as she was quickly running out of air. As soon as I got home I organised her tank, got the water to the right temperature, de-chlorinated the water, placed the plants ornaments and stones into her aquarium. I then left her in the bag and let it float in the tank so she could adjust to the temperature of her new tank water. I used my own tank which is much bigger then the one we received from Dr Knight.
At first she was swimming up and down the sides of the tank, probably trying to amend to her new environment. This was clearly a sign of stress. She was not very active for the first few days besides swimming up and down the sides of the tank. When I gave her her food she just tasted it and spat it out again. She hardly had a appetite. I removed the food she never ate as this could affect the water quality.
Slowly but surely she started to eat more and started becoming more active. I have a floating plant in the tank and she seems to love swimming on and through it. I think she sleeps on it as well. From what I understand, Betta's prefer live plants to fakes plants. I think this could be because the plant is living and the plastic plants could hurt her delicate fins.
Today Zara is alive and healthy. She is extremely active and is no longer showing signs of stress by swimming up and down the sides of the tank. I have her in a bigger tank than the one we received from Dr Knight. Even though the Betta originates from shallow waters, I think she prefers more space to swim in a larger tank.
When I feed her, she eats extremely aggressively as if she's attacking the food. This is probably normal and her natural instinct since she is a carnivore after all. On that note, I found a fly floating in the tank and the next time I looked the fly disappeared. She obviously ate the fly. This came as no surprise to me as it is in her nature to do that.
Zara loves the ornaments I have in the tank and always swims in and around the ornaments. She is a active young girl and I think it's about time to get her a mate!
This has been an amazing experience and I thank you Dr Knight for giving me the opportunity to take on this challenge of maintain my very own Betta fish.
DAY 15-20
i decided to place the tank in another room a slight change in behaivour was detected.
Besides lounging around , she now swims but rather slowly.
she seems to have lost a little of the colour that she had gained previously.
she now eats but still not as much as before and also is seen now laying on top of the indian almond leaf.
DAY 20
She is back to her old self again and is swiming up and down the tank.
she is also eating as she did before and leaves no room for leftovers.
She seems now realy happy and comfortable aafter the move
DAY 11-15
She has not been moving around a lot in her tank and just "lays" in the corner.
i have also noted that she does not eat as much as she did before because the food is just floating around on top of the water.
this has been going on for the past 5 days and is worrying me.
i had even changed her water but she stays doing the same thing.
i boiled the peas and put in her tank but yet no change in her behaviour was detected.
Our Fish
Day 1 - Wednesday 11 May 2011
I prepared water for the tank the day before , the Tuesday , and allowed it to stand over night, in order for the chlorine in the water to evaporate.I also washed out the tank ,washed the zeolite crystals and the plants before I placed it into the tank.I received the fish on Wednesday and brought it home, on the ride home i noticed that the fish would not swim around much in the tank, it would remain in one place for a while before it would swim to another place and then remain there for a few minutes.
When I got home, i placed a piece of the Indian Almond Leaf in the tank to allow it to condition the water for a while before I placed the fish into the water.After a while,I then placed the fish , I placed the fish , inside the bag,with the plastic bag into the fish tank.I did this so that the fish could become use to the temperature of the water in the tank.I noticed that the fish would swim around a lot whilst it was in the water in the plastic bag because it was used to that water.After 10 - 15 minutes I then took the fish out of the plastic bag and placed it in the tank.i noticed that the fish would swim around the tank , around the plants that I had put in the tank and it would also swim up against the sides of the tank, this I took as a sign of distress and that it was not used to its new home.When i fed the fish later that evening I noticed that it ate all the food that I gave it ,I took this as a good sign.
Day 2 - Thursday 12 May 2011
I noticed that the fish was moved active than the day before and that it wold swim all around the tank.I also picked up that she liked to swim in between the plants, especially the fresh one, that I had put into the tank.She had also gained some colour , which made her fins look bright red, from when I first put her into the tank.
Day 3 - Friday 13 May 2011
The fish seems happy and healthy ,it is swimming all around the tank but I've noticed that it likes to be in between the plants.I picked up that it looked like she had lost some , but not a lot, of her colour. So i fed her to see if that was what was wrong with her.When I gave her food to eat, she ate all of the food and after that I noticed that she seemed more happy and after a while I noticed she started to gain her colour back.
Day 4 - Saturday 14 May 2011
This morning I saw that she was happy and very active as she was swimming all around the tank.I decided to do a water change so that there would nit be a build-up of algae in the tank.I therefore let out only about 20-30% of the water in the tank and replaced it with water that i had prepared , water that i allowed to stand overnight so that the chlorine in it could be removed.Whilst I was changing the water,when i drained some water, I noticed that she was a bit distressed but after I added the water I noticed that the fish was more calm and not as distressed.She also seems happier now then earlier and is more active than what she was.
Student numbers : 3139275 A. Damon
3139186 I. Adams
fish observation
Our fish, Minka: part 2
Friday, 6th May
Minka swam around the tree quite often today, it seems like she enjoys it. She seems like a fish that would enjoy a nice big tank to swim around in.
She ate all three of her pellets today.
Saturday, 7th May
Last night Minka’s colouring changed. Her fins are usually a dark grey shade. Last night when I switched on the light her fins were red.
Minka ate all of her pellets today.
Sunday, 8th May
Minka’s fins are no longer red. They are a dark grey colour again.
I gave Minka a blood worm mix today. It is called Tetra: The natural alternative to flakes. When I dropped She swam quite fast toward her pellets and ate them all very quickly.
Monday, 9th May
Minka slept later than usual today. Usually she is awake when I switch on the light, yet this morning she was not moving much.
She ate all of her pellets quickly.
Tuesday, 10th May
Her colouring seems to be changing again. Her body no longer has a purple tint to it and she seems to be a cream colour now.
She swam around her tree quite often today. I think she only likes the tree on the right side of her tank as she never plays that game around the left tree.
She did not hurry to her food today like she usually does.
Wednesday, 11th May
I changed 25% of her water today. She was very unhappy and swam around frantically. I move her from my room to the kitchen during a water change. She seemed very uneasy after the water change so I moved her back to my room immediately and she seemed fine. She stopped swimming from the top to the bottom of the tank very soon after going back to my room.
She ate 2 out of her 3 pellets today.
Thursday, 12th May
My partner, Clint Williams fetched Minka today.
Notes about my time with Minka:
1: Minka’s surroundings:
I kept her tank in my bedroom. There is constant sunlight in the room. Minka was situated on a desk in the corner of the room, so the sunlight did not directly strike on her.
When I moved her into the dining room to see if her behaviour changed, I found that she did not do anything differently. She swam around as normal and did not appear to be frightened or bothered.
There were no disturbances for Minka, example no music was played near her.
2: Minka’s appetite:
Minka did not seem to enjoy her tubiflex worms, she did not eat much of ite.
3: Minka’s personality:
When I go towards Minka she does not seem scared. She often swims toward me. She seems like a playful fish. She loves food and would make an adorable pet.
By Ivanna Chetty, student number: 3100 424.My partner: Clint Williams, student number: 315 7719
a poem for tequila
my life with tequila
my life with tequila
The zeolite crystals at the bottom of the tank are much darker than what they were before, The white crystals are now a very light brown with dark brown spots as it is extracting the harmful ammonia from the water.
The betta is situated ina warm area of the house (the lounge) as the lounge is constantly warm has sufficient sunlight. Because the betta originates from Cambodia, Thailand and certain parts of vietnam where the water tempreture is a consistant 22-28 degrees I try my best to keep the water tempreture between this range. I also read a article which stated that if the tempreture would drop beloww 22 degrees celcius the growth of the betta would be stunted, it could also be at a high risk of becomming sick and could even die of chronic stress.
The water also an indian almond leaf in it to aid the fish and keep it healthy, I also noticed that the fish is very attached to its leaf and would often sleep at the bottom of the leaf. When the leaf was introduced to the water it caused the water to change to a brownish colour, but i conducted a water change to clear up the water again, I did not notice the fish stress about the presense of the indian almond leaf at all.
The article also stated that the fish are jumpers but I hav not seen my fish jump at all.
Ryan Cloete:3133848
Masood Suleman: 3133117
Beth seems to be swimming in circles....Some days and other days not.She sleeps regularly underneath the leaf especially if we put the new leaf in or ontop of the tank.
We also realised that if we don't put in so much food in the tank, theres not so much waste in the tank.So now we give her smaller portions of her food.
Goldia Du Plessis 3162261
Miche-Lee Manuel 3162676
Today miche-lee cleaned Beths tank but we clean the tank every 3rd day to make saw that she don't get ill of her water. We remove her from her home(the tank) and then put her into a different container with some of her water that was in the tank. Then we rinse the tank out with luke warm water for the waste at the bottom of the tank to come loose.We noticed that there's somedays alot of waste but other days theres not much. We also noticed that she loves going under her leaf to sleep there.
Goldia Du Plessis 3162261
Miche-Lee Manuel 3162676
beth our lil betta
Goldia Du Plessis 3162261
Miche-Lee Manuel 3162676
Friday, May 13, 2011
our fishy ford
- The P.H in Rhapsodies water - It is less than a neutral state of balance.
- K.H- IS 0 Degrees meaning the fish water is healthy.
- G.H-The general hardness of the water was < 3 degrees hence the water was very soft.
- N.O 2 - Mg 11
- N.O 3 MG 0
BUNGU ODWA 3165478
We have view , researched and all we found was our results were not bad instead were a lil bit elementary.
On the 8th,9th and 10th of MAY 2011
BUNGU ODWA 3165478
5th,6th, and 7nth of MAY 2011
BUNGU ODWA 3165478
DAY 6 ON THE 01 OF MAY 2011
Bungu Odwa 3165478
Simcelile makaule 3155248
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
DAY 5 30TH OF APRIL 2011
BUNGU ODWA 3165478 and simcelile makaule 3155248
BUNGU ODWA 3165478 and simcelile makaule 3155248
DAY 3 28TH OF APRIL 2011
BUNGU ODWA 3165478 and simcelile makaule 3155248
Day 2 the 27th of april
Bungu odwa 3165478 and simcelile makaule 3155248
Another happy few days with Intlanzi
We have changed our water twice this week and this weekend we are thinking of adding some natural vegetation to the tank. Intlanzi still sleeps under the Indian almond leaf and spends a considerable time close to the water surface.
What we noticed this week is that Intlanzi has a stronger appetite than the previous week. We saw her scavenging on the top and bottom of the tank, gulping matter and then spitting it out again. We imagined that she must be hungry so we are feeding her a tiny bit more thank before but still on every alternate day. The difference is that she finishes all the food fed to her.
Until next time,
Zusiphe and Damian
3133678 and 3101072
i have moved the fish to a warmer room and it seems much happier there. it is swimming more and eating better. the temperature in the lounge was too cold after all. the colour is bright and the fish seems to be reacting towards me when i come closer to the tank. i did another water change just to make sure the fish remains healthy and happy.
Candis James 2608505
Diana Jerome
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
by 3142302
Monday, May 9, 2011
Weekend 06-09 May 2011
30 April 2011-tempereture 18 degrees celsius colour bright red, fish still not eating the dried worms. The food was changed to freeze dried white shrimp. The tank was placed in the sun, when returning from the pet shop within 20 minutes the temperature increased to 22 degrees celsius. Began feeding feeding, fish examinnes food before eating it. BOdy scales, slowly starting to change light blue in colour but that can only be seen in the sun. Tank still clean but there are waste products at the bottom of the pro-v crystals (xeolites). An algea is starting to grow on the plant.
1 May 2011-temperature 19 degrees celsius, the fish is resting body appaers to turning black in colour(the body) fins are now dark red. Placed the tank in the morning sun.the shrimps are about 2cm which is broken in half and crushed. Fish doesnt eat the shell of the shrimp.
Temperature 22 degrees celsius fins now dark red with blue tips and black body. area now shadey and fish appaers to be acting normal.
2 May 2011-The water was brown and the fish was unsettled, constintly started swimming against the glass.temperatue 19 degrees celsius, after water change fed the fish.the fish is more settled more of the body scales turning blue ontop of the body.
3 May 2011-Temperature 19 degrees celsius,fish is very relaxed,fish gets fed once in the morning only and the tank gets placed in the morning sun.
4 May 2011-temperature 20 degrees celsius. The fish is relaxed,roots of buds growing on the plant.
5 May 2011-water was changed, the fins grew a little. colour now dark red tips with dark blue fins body black in colour,fish still very calm.plants flowers starting to open.
6 May 2011-fish very calm, not going to feed today this could be because of over feeding that the fish is not very active.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
S1am's (the 1 is silent) Journal: "Adjusting to Mi Casa" continued...
S1am's (the 1 is silent) Journal: "Adjusting to Mi Casa" continued...
S1am's (the 1 is silent) Journal: "Adjusting to Mi Casa" continued...
S1am's (the 1 is silent) Journal: "Adjusting to Mi Casa"
S1am's (the 1 is silent) Journal: "The madness begins"
S1am's (the 1 is silent) pre-home preperation continued....
• Regular weekly 10-15% (or more) water changes remembering to
de-chlorinate water.
• Clean gravel when doing weekly water changes.
• Algae an either be scraped off or alternatively a freshwater algae
eating snail.
• Adding aquatic plants provides shelter and alleviates stress in the
Betta. Plants make aquarium water healthier eliminating toxic
substances, inhibiting algae growth, releasing oxygen needed by fish
to breathe and removal of Nitrate to allow plant to grow. One plant is
sufficient for aquarium size and can be pruned.
4. Food Management
Bettas subsist almost exclusively on insects and insect larvae.
“Internally their digestive system is geared for meat.” Live foods are
ideal, although flake foods, frozen and freeze dried tubifex worms or
frozen bloodworm. Bettas need little to sustain them. They can be fed
once daily or every other day.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
DAY 3-10
When I changed the water for the first time on the 3rd day, she seemed to have felt stress by this change.
She kept jumping out of the water and almost seem to be flaring.
She also kept swimming againts the bag .
Hereafter(about 3-4 hours after the change) she now seemed to be doing better. She started swimming around at a faster pace and even started to explore the tank, by swimming around the plastic tree and at times, attempting to swim through it.
Our betta seems happy.
It was her second feed today and she immediatly swam up to eat it.
but the thing that scares me is that although she goes for the food, it seems as if she spits it out afterwards.
Also the water turned brown again and seems rather dirty.
DAY 5-10
During this time the betta "underwent" her 3rd and 4th water change and seems to be less annoyed by this routine.
She,now spits less of the food fed to her out and still swims gracely through her aquarium.
I had now noticed that she seems to have gain quite some red colour on her fins.
He has just become somewhat restless, swiming up and down the side of the tank.
we have decided to clean his tank every 2nd day.
although its his first real day in the tank, the water had realy turned brown.
The cause of this seems to Be the leaf.
day 1
he never moved much or attemtped to eat the fish food provided.
after about 3 hours i noticed that slowly but surely he had started to adapt to his surroundings.
he eventualy ate and swam around slowly.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Betta Survey
Do you have an interest in fish-keeping?
Where did you locate your tank?
When you prepared your tank?
On getting your fish home what happened?
Environmental conditions in the tank?
Your fish tank environmental management system?
Health of your fish?
Feeding of your fish
General fish behaviour
That is your class results - I will put this into an adaptive management plan.
Thanks for a great class today!
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