Hey there,
my fishies are doing well, they are a little bit stressed at the moment because
I cleaned their jars this morning. I took everything out, fish in a little
plastic jar, plants out, water out and also the clay substrate, so that I could
rinse the whole jar from the inside just in case there are little algae which I
cannot see. I noticed that the surface of Minki´s water got like oily, I don’t
know why. The guy in the pet shop told me it could be because of going into the
water with the fingers, but II don’t touch the water after I cleaned it, not
when I feed them and not at any other time.
after I cleaned and rinsed the jar, I put black and white coloured marble
chips (coloured
marble chips or pepples are coloured stones with a size of approxomately 4-6
mm),which I rinsed with fresh tap water into the jar instead of the clay
substrate, because in future it will be much easier to clean their jars through
the fact that I bought a cleaning pump. This pump sucks up water and light
stuff such as the fish´s waste and the clay substrate, but the stones are too
heavy, so in future it’s much easier to remove their waste without cleaning the
whole jar again. This time I used the plant food that we got from UWC because
the plants don’t get any food through the stones, before that they got at least
some from the clay substrate. So i positioned the food right under the plant
and put the coloured pepples around until the roots of the plant were covered.
I really hope that it wasn´t a mistake, because until now they were doing
really well!
Then i filled up the jar with slightly warm fresh tap
water (between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius), because cold water could stress the
fish (even more than he is through the cleaning process anyways) or the
temperature shock could maybe cause death. I used 2 drops of water conditioner
to neutralize the chlorine, which tined the water slightly blue. Usually the
water is back to normal after latest one day.
After all of that I released Minki, Gypsy and Jonah into
their fresh cleaned and new decorated jars.
After the cleaning I observed them a little while, to
see if they change in colour through the coloured marble chips, or if there is any new behavior etc. I couldn’t
notice a change in Minki´s and Jonah´s colour, but Gypsy changed again a little
bit to a greyish body, but her fins stayed in that beautiful redish-pink with
bright blue highlights! I´m sure that the change in colour is a result of
stress through the cleaning of the tank. I noticed that Gypsy also wasn´t that
active, it looked like that she was trying to hide, but unfortunately I dont
have a plant for her yet (petshops are out of real plants and i think that the
plastic ones are too hard for them). Minki and Jonah have been a little bit
more active but also here i could notice that they were hiding under the leafs
a couple of times. To get Gypsy a little it exerciesed I put Jonah´s jar right
next to her´s and as soon as they saw each other they started flaring at each
other. I saw that behavior a couple of days ago already and noticed that her
fins are quite big for a female, but definately not as big as Jonah´s or Sam´s
Together with her whole behavior in the last weeks I
was thinking if it could be maybe a young male. After I talked to Richard in
our prac yesterday, we think it’s a "plakat betta". The plakat betta
is a shortfinned male betta and with their fins they are the closest related to
the wild ones. They are gaining more popularity in the betta world, because of
their vital appearance, for example they are less prone to fin rot. We find basically
three types of plakats, the traditional with an asymmetrical form, the
asymmetrical show plakat and the symmetrical plakat.
A cross of a plakat and longfinned betta is the halfmoon
plakat, which is a cross of a traditional plakat and a longfinned halfmoon
betta and has also the asymmetrical form as the traditional one.
I think Gypsy could be a traditional asymmetrical
plakat, but i can´t say it with 100% security.
I saw that Sir Mustard has symptoms of fin rot, what
can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. As Aviwe and Nadine described
the process, it seems to me like a bacterial infection. The disease usually
starts at the fin´s edge (one syntom: becomes black/brown and then falls off),
destroyes more and more of the fins until it gets to the base of the fin. If
the disease got that far the fins usually cannot recover and the disease might
attack the fish´s body. To treat this disease the water should be changed and
the pH should be corrected if necessary. You can also use a salt bath or herbal
remedies like "Melafix", but I dont have lots of informations on that
so if Sir Mustard needs it, you should get some more infos.
So far so good, that´s it for today!!!
Cheers and a nice weekend to everybody!!
Hey, I was looking up some info on the plakat betta, and I most definitely think your's is a plakat male. In the pictures I've seen they're just like 'Gypsy'. And in all the female betta pictures I looked up on the net, none of them had fins as big as your 'female'. I also read a breeder who has heard of people buying 'females' from a pet store, and then realizing they are plakat males. Good luck.