pH Level: 7.2
No2: 1
No3: 250
kH: 6
gH: 16
- 320 liters
- algae on glass and stones
- a few dead levels
- big rocks
- snails
- Temp: 28 degrees
- Mechanical Filtration
- 2 filters
- 2 underground filters
- oxygenater
- Heater
pH Level: 6.4
No2 :0
No3: 100
kH: 0
gH: 10-16
- Temp: 29 degrees
- tiny fish
- single plant
- soil sediment at the bottom
- plant is blocking the light
- 1 pump
- 3 types of fish
- snails everywhere
- Mechanical filter
- 2 oxygenaters
- Heater
pH Level: 7.2
No2: 1
No3: 50
kH: 3
gH: 3
- Room temp: 21.6 degrees
- Temp: 28 degrees
- snails on the floor in clusters
- Substrate is thicker
- better filteration
- UV light
- 5 species of fish
- algae between plants
- chemical filteration
- Zeolite found in bag
- Heater
In conclusion, Tank C is the best tank because it has low nitrates and results ti have soft water, has better filteration too (Chemical filteration). it is well maintained, water changes every week. Tank A is the worse, even tho its maintained the second best, becaise of algae found on the glass, stone and dead leaves. it does not have the softest water.