Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hey guys, our fish ashley is happier than ever. Infact he's so hapy that it rubbed off on my entire family. My father is the most enthusiastic of all. He even showed my partner (Ali Arnold) a few techniques on how to extract and add water into the tank!

Back to our fish, lately when he eats the dried worms, he tends to chew off about 70% of the piece he bites and spits out the dry/grass-looking part of the food. This probably meant he was fed up of being fed the same food for so long. Instead we changed the food to red dried worm food and he loves it! He also tends to nibble on the leaves from time to time, I rate that he does this out of boredom perhaps? Feel free to comment guys! Then concerning the leaves, in the beginning the leaves were small and had about three branches. The leaves then grew and because it became too big we had to bend it in order for it to fit into the tank. That caused the leaves to become wittle and break off. Thereafter we noticed more and better leaves growing, amazing!

I will try to upload some photos that summarises the complete progress of the process we endured over this term with our fish Ashley!

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